
Saturday, September 14, 2013


Text more than once one of your girlfriend's friend by her phone and get upset while her friend call her back is the silliest madness ever. Why do you pop the trouble -shouldnt exist- up and blame her for unreasonable thing. 
You also have friends, girl or man. And so your partner. Why dont you open your mind to assimiliate this common thing in your relationship? You cant live without others. 
People try hard to easy their life as well. But you make it complicated and just seek the source of trouble. 
Take it easy, guy. Dont be jealous to your  very loyal girlfriend, its hard to find the girl like her who restrained her love for seven years only with you. Who rejected any other man's love which maybe she could be happier with. But the girl still choose you.
And dont dissipate her by your ego. The world has so many stories about regret pathetic man who left his girl for other girl. She also could do that, but she wont.
Dont think that only you can fulfil her heart and no one can switch over. She is not that stupid. 
Oke, this is become very serious writing. Maybe its affected by drizzle outside and i cant go out at saturday nite for dating (haah, who would ask you for? *its very big question mark) ahahah. Oke lets continue....
For you who always missunderstand each other, remember women are from venus and man are from mars. Both you are different. So dont be angry if your girl fuss at you even for tiny detail in your daily. For texting her back so long, you cant always answer her phone, or maybe  she can be mad suddenly without reason. Girl like to take everything personal, especially for the man she love. That one of the sign she still love you. But if she doesnt care anymore, you should talk about relationship. :)
And also, girl love every tiny touch you did for her. As well you remember her favourite colour, pick the meal she love on the menu, give her hug on her bad day, hold her hand while you walk together, or little surprise and compliment may change her mood for whole day. :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Ini adalah hari minggu yang tenang, kosong, dan banyak waktu luang buat ngapain aja. Termasuk facial. 
Daripada buang2 duit ke salon atau dokter kecantikan, mending kita facial sendiri. Toh, tujuan facial kan untuk membersihkan sisa kotoran di muka. We can do it at home ! Yahh, walau facial di dokter kecantikan langgananku jauh lebih nyaman karena dilengkapi alar modern dan kita tinggal tidur aja 😄😄. Dan Rp. 180 ribu pun lenyap dalam waktu 60 menit. Belum lagi kadang dokternya suka nambah2 ini itu tanpa permisi tapi ditagih. Huh, kesal bgt kan.
Oke,,, forget it. Now i ll tell you steps to do facial at home

1. Cleansing/pembersihan
Ini bisa dilakukan dengan cairan atau susu pembersih. Caranya biasa aja. Tuang susu pembersih ke tangan, usap dengan gerakan memijat ke muka lalu bersihkan dengan kapas muka. Karena mukaku sensitif dan berjerawat aku gunakan aloe calming facial cleanser dari body shop.
2. Scrubbing
Setelah dibersihkan dengan kapas, kita scrub muka untuk menghilangkan sel mati, komedo atau sisa kotoran yg tetap menempel. Scrubnya cukup yang halus saja. Kalau saya pakai scrub dari body shop juga, seaweed pore cleansing facial  exfoliator.
3. Kompres dengan air hangat
Karena di rumah aku ga punya steamer kayak di salon, ya cukup kita gunakan air hangat untuk membersihkan sisa scrub dan juga sekalian membuka pori2 kita. Caranya masukkan handuk kecil pada air hangat, peras, lalu usapkan ke muka. Lakukan 4-5 kali.
4. Masker
Nah, sampailah kita pada tahap masker. Ini sih simpel aja, tinggal usap aja masker ke muka kalau pakai masker krim, atau seperti saya yang pakai paper mask ya tinggal di tempel aja trus tunggu sampai lering atau 15-30 menit. Untuk masker saya pakai mentholatum beauty mask dari rohto. Ngademin muka bgt. Bukan promosi lohhh...
5. Oles krim pelembab
Krimnya Tergantung kulit kamu jenis apa. Yahh,, supaya muka ga kering

Dan tadaaa... Selesai deh facial at home.. Selamat mencoba ya... Ni aku upload foto produk yang aku gunain untuk facial. Utk referensi aja sih :D